"When cells breakdown a sugar molecule completely to produce chemical energy (ATP), the cells need the following materials_________ a. Sugar and oxygen c. Sugar only b. Sugar and water d. Sugar and carbon dioxide " Answer: d. Sugar and carbon dioxide Explanation: Photosynthesis is the process by which CO2 and H2O are used to make sugars and starches. During respiration, sugar is attenuated to CO2 and H2O, and in the process, ATP is made that can then be used for cellular work. Whereas solely chemical change cells will create sugar exploitation chemical process, all a need to be able to break down sugars they take in from their environment and turn it into energy to be employed in cellular work. Plants are sole chemical change organisms to possess leaves. A leaf could also be viewed as a reflector crammed filled with chemical change cells. The raw materials of a chemical process, water, and greenhouse emission, enter the cells of the leaf, and also the produc...
Give examples of factors that directly affect you and their possible effects. Disaster Risk: Disaster Risk Factors: There are several risk factors that directly affect each of us personally and leave us with long – lasting effects. This includes: Biological Economic Physical Political Psychological Socio – Cultural Discussion: Biological factors according to the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management are those bio - active substances, pathogenic micro-organisms, and toxins which may cause the loss of life or injury, property damage, social and economic disruption or environmental degradation. Examples of this group are dengue fever, influenza, malaria, meningitis, pest infestations, medical wastes such as used needles, and zoonosis including anthrax, bird flu, cholera, HIV, leptospirosis, and swine flu. Economic factors include destruction of tangible assets such as buildings and equipment, even human capital. Examples of this group are building colla...
What inspired their curiosity? Disaster Risk: What inspired their curiosity? Answer: For those who have been curious or interested with disaster risk, it is their safety and security that matters. It is truly alarming when people have been caught unprepared during disasters. However, for those who have come prepared it is still not an assurance that they will not suffer nor be affected but at least to great extent will not suffer the same loss with those who are not aware of the risks. Risk reduction management is the key to overcome lots of losses during these times. So sad but the truth is people are only interested when they are already experiencing he adverse effect of the disaster brought about by natural hazards. For example, while the poorest and most marginalized people are busy employing themselves with work that does not actually give them promising income, they are actually exposing themselves into the risks associated with disasters after engaging in illegal minin...
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